New Videos

This week we are proud to announce that there are not one, not two, and not even three, but four new videos up on our Youtube channel. Below you can hear:

– Dr Frances Badger recount the tragic story of the Ramsbottom family following a maternal death;

– Dr Frances Badger tell the (happier) stories of Leah and Susannah;

– Dr Adrian Wilson discuss biblical allusions to childbirth, particularly in the Book of Genesis;

– Dr Adrian Wilson analyse Percival Willughby’s views on the uncertainties of childbirth.

Don’t forget to subscribe, comment, and share with anyone who might be interested in our series of Birth Stories.

New Video featuring Trish Davies and James Drife

Here is the latest in our series of Birth Stories videos. This clip features a conversation between Trish Davies and James Drife, a retired Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Trish was a patient of James’s in the “Home from Home” unit in the Clarendon Wing.

Thanks to both for a fascinating conversation on a happy birth from the 1990s.

Photos and Programme from March 2017 Workshop

Programme: March workshop AHRC

Pregnancy and Propaganda in Historical Perspective
Bahareh Goodarzi’s presentation


Dr Sean Lang and Prof. James Drife


One of the Thackray Medical Museum’s takes on the history of childbirth in England


The Thackray’s controversial graphic representation of maternal mortality

Stories from the Birthing Room

London Renaissance Seminar: Stories from the birthing room Thursday 18 May 3pm-8.30pm Room G04, Birkbeck College School of Arts, 43 Gordon Square, WC1 What happened in the early modern birthing room? Though the scene of birth is often understood as secret, a surprising number of texts tell us its story. Exploring material from Mary Tudor and … Read more