Related Projects

The following research groups might be of interest to our members and followers.

Birth Stories

The Thackray Birth Stories Project aims to bring together researchers from the University of Leeds, curators from the Thackray Medical Museum, and local parents and visitors to explore stories of childbirth and think about how the museum should tell those stories. Follow the project on Yarn or the museum on Twitter: @thackraymuseum


Conceiving Histories

A project on the history of unpregnancy, previously funded by Birkbeck College and the Wellcome Trust. Website: Twitter: @conceivinghists.


De Partu

Established in 2010, the De Partu History of Childbirth Group is chaired by Dr Janette Allotey at the University of Manchester. Twitter: @de_partu


H&P Parenting Forum

The History and Policy Parenting Forum is convened by Dr Angela Davis, Dr Laura King, and Dr Jenny Crane. It brings together historians with policy-makers, practitioners and researchers into parenting in order to examine ways in which the history of parenting can influence policies and practice today. Twitter: @HandPParenting



Standing for Mapping Maternal Subjectivities, Identities and Ethics, MaMSIE is a website (and blog) for studies in the maternal. Twitter: @MaMSIEnetwork


Perceptions of Pregnancy

An international and interdisciplinary network for those researching fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth throughout history. Twitter: @Preg_Research