Programme: March workshop AHRC

The Risks of Childbirth in Historical Perspective
An AHRC-funded network of scholars, midwives, and more.
Here is the flyer for our upcoming mobile exhibition. Spread the word and save the date!
On Saturday 12 August 2017, The Times published a piece by Chris Smyth on changing attitudes towards terms such as ‘normal birth’ in the UK, which has sparked a chain of letters to the editor, a controversy in the blogosphere, and a range of follow-up articles from publications like The Guardian and the Evening Standard. … Read more
We are thrilled to hear that one of our partners, the Thackray Medical Museum, has been awarded national funding of over £880 000 for 2018-22 by Arts Council England. This is the first time that the museum has secured funding as a National Portfolio Organisation. The Thackray plans to use this grant by creating new … Read more
Programme: March workshop AHRC